
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Single Car Family

Before we left Singapore we sadly sold both of our cars (okay lets be honest, we were happy to sell the Audi).  It was very strange to walk away from CarMax and realize that for the first time since we turned 16 we haven't had a car of own.  The Audi and the Highlander were our first real cars as they were the first cars we picked out and paid our own money for (technically Derek only paid for part of his; it was part graduation present).  No matter what, they will always be special to us.
Derek and I taking his car out when he first got it
Derek saying goodbye to the A4 at CarMax.  May it live long
and torture others.
Me with my beloved Highlander.  113k miles in just less than
 5 years and it was still running strong. Highlander felt most
at home on I-10 between Houston and Baton Rouge.
We were having issues with the Audi and had considered trading it in back in December.  We did a lot of car shopping but just couldn't find the right deal so we held on to it.  We are very thankful that we didn't spend money on a new car right before this move!

Now that we have moved to Singapore we have one car which is leased due to cost (more to come in a future post).  With the expansive public transportation system and Derek working at a location in-town, it makes it easy to be a single car family.  I have to admit it is nice to know that the only time I need to drive a car is when I go to work or need to take Maddie somewhere as dogs are not allowed on public transportation.  It is so liberating to not be dependent on our cars to do everything we need!

My 2012 Toyota Corolla Altis.  What makes it special
is the steering wheel is on the wrong (right) side of the
vehicle and I have to drive on the wrong (left) side of the road

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