
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Little Christmas Cheer

When we packed to come to Singapore we tried to bring only the things we absolutely needed.  With less living space and little storage we decided to leave all seasonal decorations in Houston.  The idea was that we wouldn't be around for the holidays so there was no point wasting precious storage space on a tree.  It seemed like a good plan until we hit the homesickness wall.

This isn't the kind of homesickness where you miss your family (which we do) or want to sleep in your own bed.  It is when you have mentally, physically, and emotionally had enough with the move and miss having the feeling of home and normalcy.  For us, we became tired of all the Asian food and didn't want to eat it anymore but we also didn't want to eat any of the western food that we were replacing it with.  We found ourselves having strange dinners at home eating the only things that we could choke down.  I know one night all I could stomach was ice cream and au gratin potatoes.  Overall, we just didn't feel like ourselves which made us feel uneasy and homesick.  We just wanted to feel normal and have a routine.

To try and get over this I began to nest.  I was baking almost every night (mostly macarons which I still haven't mastered) and cooking comfort food.  I finally settled into a morning routine and began to feel better.  Derek hit the wall a week after me and he went into full "finish the apartment mode."  We hung pictures, bought patio furniture, and did a little decorating but it wasn't quite enough.  We began to realize our plan to be scrooges and not have any decorations was backfiring on us so off we went in search of a tree.

Christmas is a big holiday in Singapore so finding decorations wasn't too much of a problem.  We were able to go to the mall nearby and get a pre-decorated tree and wreath for the front door.  The tree may be small but it is just what we needed to feel like it is Christmas time and make this new apartment we are living in feel like home.

Our little Christmas tree
Our front door
We only have two neighbors so not many people will see this but we realized it isn't for them.  It is for us to see everyday when we come home and realize it is just that, home.  Merry Christmas!

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