
Friday, January 23, 2015

9 Months!

When Caroline was first born, I had every intention of writing a monthly post for her in the first year to document how she has grown and changed.  With an international move, living in a hotel for a while, moving into a new house, and the holidays I just got behind.  Hopefully I will be able to get caught up by the end of the month and update more regularly.

Given all the changes we have gone through in the last three months, Caroline has done an amazing job adapting.  Each new place starts out with a couple rough nights but she quickly settles into a routine.  She is still a petite little thing at only 17lbs 9oz and 27in (9 month check up).  I hear of 4 and 5 month olds that are as big as she is.  She can still eat like a champ and loves sweet potatoes, chicken, and salmon.  She eats whatever we eat and we haven't found much that she doesn't like.  She does not like bland food so things like plain old pancakes aren't good enough so we have to add cinnamon and other spices.

Caroline is learning at an astounding pace and it is amazing how quickly she can change over the course of a few days.  She has learned to crawl and is only on her hands and knees when she is on a rug or playmat.  Our house is almost all hardwood so she is very efficient at the army crawl and she can get anywhere quickly, especially if your head is turned.

She has a really sweet disposition and is rarely upset.  She happily shares her pacifier or banana with her baby dolls and stuffed animals.  She even tries to share the pacifier with us and give us her food.  She waves goodbye when she sees me getting ready to leave for work in the morning and gives me a big smile and a wave when I arrive home in the afternoon.  She claps whenever someone says "good job" or "yay".  She loves music that has a solid beat and will dance when her favorite songs come on Pandora.  One of her favorite noises to make is the tongue clicking.  This is often her response whenever we tell her we love her or ask her to say "mama" or "dada".  She makes us laugh every day and we can only imagine how fun it will be once she can talk!

Here are just a few pictures from the last 3 months.

One of the first times she pulled up to standing on her own. Those chunky legs!
Before I was even pregnant with Caroline, I saw the little Singapore Airline Stewardess costumes in Chinatown and
said if I had a girl while we were in Singapore, that was going to be her first Halloween costume, so here she is!

The next few photos came from our nanny to show us what Caroline is up to while we are at work.
First time at the Library 
Finger painting while we still lived at the hotel

Learning about turtles at the Nature Center
A walk on the nature path
Swinging at the playground near the house 
A few more photos in no particular order.  It feels like I didn't take very many but there are more posts to come.

Every kid loves an empty cardboard box!
Not wanting to go to sleep one night in the hotel.
Our first day at Gymboree!  She loves to go to music class!
In the first few nights back in her crib at the house she did not want to go to sleep.
Moving into the house meant baby proofing!  She will stand at the gate and shake it.
Upcoming posts on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and our trips to Mexico, Houston, and New Orleans.  This weekend is going to be blogging and picture overload!

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